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Court House


We pride ourselves on a deep tradition of excellence, ensuring only the highest quality service. We understand the challenges and pressure that comes with every case and are here for you, every step of the way. Dependable, calm, and well-spoken, we add the personal touch our clients deserve whilst approaching each new case with the attention it needs. ​ Get in touch with us today.

Image by Jessica Rockowitz

Why choose
Carman Feng Law

We zealously advocate for our clients in court and in negotiations.

We pride ourselves on a deep tradition of excellence, ensuring only the highest quality service. We understand the challenges and pressure that comes with every case and are here for you, every step of the way.

Family Walking On the Beach

Family LAW

Separation, divorce, division of property, parenting, child support, spousal support, pre or post nuptial agreements.

Image by Blake Wheeler

Real Estate Law

Conveyancing (purchase, sale, refinance), commeercial leases, commerical or residential evictions, financing.


Trusts and Estates

Power of attorney, wills, will variation, probate, capacity, undue influence, and other wills and estate disputes

Image by Tingey Injury Law Firm

Civil Litigation

Going to court can be complex, stressful, and costly. Let us represent you in these potentially high-stakes endeavors.

Let the Professional Law Team at Carman Feng Law Represent You

We pride ourselves on a deep tradition of excellence, ensuring only the highest quality service. We understand the challenges and pressure that comes with every case and are here for you, every step of the way. Dependable, calm, and well-spoken, we add the personal touch our clients deserve whilst approaching each new case with the attention it needs.

Meet the Professional Team at Carman Feng Law

We pride ourselves on a deep tradition of excellence, ensuring only the highest quality service. We understand the challenges and pressure that comes with every case and are here for you, every step of the way.

Dependable, calm, and well-spoken, we add the personal touch our clients deserve whilst approaching each new case with the attention it needs.


Carman Feng




作为一名专业工程师,Carman在理解和解决技术问题(例如建筑纠纷)方面具有独特的优势。Carman 在安大略省获得大律师、律师和公证人执照,并在纽约州获得律师执照。

Carman 不仅是一名律师,还是为您获取合法权利的忠实倡导者。他坚定不移地用谈判技巧来塑造结果和解决冲突,这证明了他致力于促进客户利益的奉献精神。他不遗余力地确保他的客户获得最好的法律代表,将客户的需求放在首位。他的专业知识和奉献神, 为客户灌输了信心和保证。




Carman在温哥华长大, 住在加拿大已有 50 多年了。在80年代, Carman作为加中贸易的先驱,成功地在航空业谈判了数百万美元的合同。他曾在一家领先的加拿大高科技公司和一家国际石油公司担任市场总监,磨练了他的谈判技巧。


Carman 拥有工程师背景、MBA 和房地产法法学硕士学位,他曾在法国、美国、加拿大, 新加坡和香港学习和 工作。 这些经历为他的实践带来了多元化的视角。无论您是在解决诉讼,还是在进行重大的商业或家庭房产 投资或购买,Carman 的谈判技巧和多元化的背景都会给你信心和保证。

Call to the Bar headshot March 1 2024_ed

Mylene Feng

JD, MArch, BA (Economics)





Mylene 毕业于香港城市大学法学院、佛罗里达国际大学建筑学院和加拿大康考迪亚大学经济系。Mylene是土生土长的香港人。自1992年成为加拿大公民, 她理解新移民的挣扎和问题。她精通英语和粤语,提升了她的专业能力,使她能够与不同的客户进行有效的沟通。她获得了法学博士学位、建筑学硕士学位和经济学学士学位,展示了她在建筑、法律和经济学方面的各种技能。




在加入冯嘉文律师事务所之前,Mylene 在一位经验丰富的资深律师手下工作,这位律师在家庭法领域工作了40多年,Mylene在这家公司工作期间, 积累了宝贵的经验

Mylene 专业背景的特点是她解决问题的能以及以同情心和专业精神提供复杂信息的能力。她擅长提供切合实际的解决方案, Mylene 与客户诚实地沟通,不回避从长远来看最终将使她的客户受益的艰难对话。她坚定地使用她的专业知识,并确保客户的最大利益。例如,她有解决与家庭有关的冲突的经验。关于配偶和子女抚养费、第 7 节特别和特殊额外费用和离婚申请的争议。Mylene 非常善于倾听和关注细节。她喜欢在世界各地旅行和生活, 她的多学科背景使她在提供法律服务方面独树一帜。




We pride ourselves on a deep tradition of excellence, ensuring only the highest quality service. We understand the challenges and pressure that comes with every case and are here for you, every step of the way. 

The Firm

Practices of Law

1505 Laperriere Avenue, Suite 208, Ottawa, ON MAPS

©2020 by Carman Feng Law Professional Corporation 

本网站仅供参考。   在签订聘用协议之前,不建立律师-客户关系。

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